The Cardsharps (1595/96)
Basket of Fruit (1596/97)
Narcissus (1597/98)
St Catherine of Alexandria (1597/98)
Judith and Holofernes (1598/99)
The Calling of St Matthew (1599/1600)
The Martyrdom of St Matthew (1599/1600)
Amor Victorious (1601/02)
Doubting Thomas (1601/02)
St Matthew and the Angel (1602)
The Taking of Christ (1602)
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1602/03)
Death of the Virgin (1601-1606)
Madonna dei Palafrenieri (1605/06)
St Jerome (1605/06)
Martyrdom of St Andrew (1607)
St Francis in Meditation (1606/07)
The Seven Acts of Mercy (1606/07)
The Beheading of St John the Baptist (1607/08)
St Jerome (1607/08)
The Annunciation (1609)
David with the Head of Goliath (1609/10)